Editor's review
This software creates a mortgage calculator that can be integrated easily with websites.
Besides attracting large enough prospects to your site, you need to spend efforts on increasing the "stickiness" or the usefulness of your site to make prospects stay. Anything that can help a prospect stay around will contribute to the success of the site. This mortgage calculator could be a way to engage your customer at relevant sites and will help satisfy his curiosity. An example could a site that sells homes and the prospect is able to decide quickly for him if he can afford a particular property. The amount of equity built within any period, estimate of the costs involved including PMI and taxes can be easily determined. This software is built on Silverlight framework. The layout is simple and each of the relevant parameters can be typed in or set through incrementing/decrementing arrow controls provided for each parameter. The values change immediately as parameter changes.
For integrating with your website, what needs to be done is to host the executable file of the calculator on a server. The client part gets embedded in your web-page. The executable is cached on the user machine, improving the performance and saving the load on your server. All calculations take place on the user`s computer. Though the tool looks like a toy application, it s an interesting toy alright. The rating is based on this performance and the intuitive way any user would be able to operate it when visiting the site.
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